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Tips: How to perform iSCSI SAN mounting in Linux?

If you are using Dell's SAN storage and connected using iSCSI and want to know how to perform mounting an iSCSI Target from the SAN storage onto a Linux server, hope this simple steps help.

Please make sure that an iSCSI Target has been created on the SAN storage and is ready for use. This article was created with Centos, and Dell's PS4100.

1) Check to see if /vz is mounted or not
# df -h

If you do not see /vz in the output proceed with step 2 otherwise stop. You are good to go now.

2) verify if iscsid is running
# service iscsid status

This should show you an output which says it is 'running'

3) Connect to target. This command will connect to the iscsi storage PS4100
# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p

4) mount the /vz filesystem. This will take a minute time please wait....
# mount /vz

# mount /dev/sdb1 /vz

5) Check if /vz is mounted
# df -h

You should see /vz now.

6) Use this command to start up your container
# service vz restart

You can check for existing iSCSI sessions by running the following command:
[root@host1 ~]# iscsiadm -m session

tcp: [1],1 iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:8-cb2b76-4f203685b-b20000000124ef2b-vol01

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